Bryan, Angie, Lexie, Hoyt & Sabrie

Monday, August 11, 2008

2nd Anniversary

Today we celebrated our 2nd Wedding Anniversary!!! Hard to believe how much has happened in the past two years. I can't imagine my life without Bryan; he is an amazing husband and we have such a great time together! I really believe the people who say you love your spouse more and more each day and each year! I am grateful we are sealed so we can be together forever because I can't imagine not having my family for at least that long! We were able to go out to dinner tonight which was nice and we are now eagerly awaiting the newest member of our family and hope she decides to arrive very soon!


Amy said...

Happy Anniversary! Hang in there hon, that baby will be here soon enough and you'll be wishing for sleep as you hold that little sweet girl!

Kirsten said...

Congrats Ange! Hard to believe when I got married you'd follow a short 3 1/2 months later, then have our babies 5 months apart too! I'm so happy for you!

Mandy said...

Happy Anniversary.. I work tomorrow night and then again Monday... good luck!