Bryan, Angie, Lexie, Hoyt & Sabrie

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Funny Kids!

These 2 little munchkins are the light of my life. In addition to bringing me a great deal of joy, they make me laugh several times a day. I love how kids find happiness in the smallest a night out on the town getting ice cream cones at Arctic Circle.
Lately Lexie has been saying the funniest things and I wanted to write them down before I forgot.
The other night was actually really touching because she decided to "write" me a letter. She read it to me and said in her exact words: "Dear Mommy, I hope you realize that I love you very much!" I kind of got choked up with that one.
We went to the store one night and were looking at some Christmas stuff (because it's just everywhere in the store) and Lexie said "Why don't they have Thanksgiving stuff? That's just silly!" I agree that it is kind of ridiculous that I can't find any Thanksgiving decorations anywhere. For our front door window, Lexie and I printed and colored pictures of pilgrims, turkeys, etc. so we could celebrate Thanksgiving first before the craziness of Christmas hits.
One of Lexie's new favorite movies is the Liken the Scriptures David & Goliath and she keeps saying "Goliath is REALLY HUGE" and "He's the hugest guy in the world". Now, I don't think Thurl Bailey is that huge, but he is a big guy with a great voice! The other funny thing is that she associates giants with Jack and the Beanstalk so she keeps asking to watch "Goliath and the Beanstalk".
Because I did most of my Christmas shopping online, a lot of packages have been coming to our house. My kids have loved having bubble wrap and the other big air bubbles used for packing to pop. So when another box with big bubbles came the other day Lexie was so excited her response was: "Oh my cow, thanks for buying these bubbles!" I guess next year we'll forgo buying toys and just get some boxes and bubble wrap for the kids; it would provide hours and hours of entertainment and fun!
Lexie loves for me to go play in her room and she likes to have parties. Here is a video of our latest one that turned into a dance party. Hoyt was really getting into it, but wanted to play with the camera when I tried to video them.
Hoyt is getting so big and finally starting to talk and say things we understand. I know most of this post was focused on Lexie, but I will do an 18 month post for Hoyt soon and write more about him.

1 comment:

Kori said...

What cuties! Hoyt is growing up so fast! He is going to be a heart breaker like his uncle's :) I hope to see you over Thanksgiving!