At 13 months Lexie is turning into a little girl and not so much a baby anymore. She has such a cute personality that has really started coming out as she learns to communicate better each day. She is learning a lot of new words and can pretty much tell us what she wants. She loves to sing and sometimes in my nursery class full of 3 year olds she is the only one who will sing during singing time. Lexie's favorite songs right now are "Old MacDonald" - her favorite part of that song is E-I-E-I-O and making the animal sounds - "Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam", "Winnie the Pooh" and pretty much every song she hears she sings and dances. Her favorite animals are dogs a.k.a. "roof roof's" and cats. Whenever we are at a store or a public place she waves and says "hi, hi, hi" to people passing by which always makes a few people smile. She sure makes us smile each day and brings such a great spirit to our home.
Here are some pictures from this past month.
Wearing Great-Grandpa Mickelson's hat.
Eating pizza and playing with our neighbor's bunny Bryan found outside our house one day after work.
At the playground. Lexie loved the slide (picture by Jennifer), eating wood chips and picking dandelions.
One of Lexie's new favorite things to do is sit in the bottom of the bookshelf and play with bowls. She is getting quite the imagination!