Here's another picture of the ever growing belly. I don't think it looks so huge until I see it on camera, but that just means our baby is growing which makes us happy. At 27 weeks, she's now probably just over 14 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds. She moves tons still and likes to play with her Daddy by kicking him when he listens to my belly and talks to her.
I find my wife more lovely than ever. She is as sceptical about it as ever, but I never understood until now how a man truly feels about his very pregnant wife; I am as infatuated as ever, embarrassing her in public with my affection. I know, sickening huh? People don't seem to understand why our newlywed affections haven't worn off by now.
I am still numb about the whole graduation thing, I still don't feel the exhilaration I thought I would feel. I did have one moment when I was shopping with my wife where I was thinking, "I don't want to go to class tomorrow!" Then I remembered that I didn't have to, and I felt a brief moment of euphoria equivalent to a man being released from prison. But it was just that...brief. However, I have been enjoying more time with Angie, and working straight through the day without having to jump up and go to class; oh, and don't forget not having to do homework on Saturdays.
I finally received my $40 government coupon to help buy a HDTV converter for my regular old television. I did a lot of research into which one to buy and finally decided on the Digital Stream box you can buy at Radio Shack. I hooked it up as soon as I got home and now we have beautiful crystal clear channels. Unfortunately, we can't find a CW channel in HD for our favorite show: King of Queens. Oh well, the series is over and in re-runs, perhaps we will just buy the DVDs.
Angie, you look awesome! I think pregnancy is SO CUTE! Bryan, I say you dispose of their tree yourself. Leave them a plate of cookies with a friendly not saying you did some yard work and thought you'd lend a helping hand and took their tree out for them. That way, you'll all be friends and no one's feelings will get hurt. That's what I'd do anyway. Cheers!
Hey Bryan and Angie, I can't remember if we already told you, but CONGRATULATIONS on graduating!!! That's so exciting! Angie, you look so cute, you guys will be great parents!!!
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