Bryan, Angie, Lexie, Hoyt & Sabrie

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Our Thoughts on President Gordon B. Hinckley

On this special and historic day we would like to pay tribute to a man who has touched our lives and millions of other's lives all over the world. We first heard of President Hinckley's passing last Sunday evening as it was first being reported on TV. It's amazing that even though he was 97 and we knew the time would come eventually for him to pass on, he was so full of life that it seemed he was going to be around forever. We were hoping to see him reach 100, but we are happy for him that he now gets to be with his sweet wife Marjorie once again.

In his life he has won the highest civilian award: The Presidential Medal of Freedom, issued by the President of the United States only to to 8 other people in history in the area of religion. He has graduated past this life and received the greatest reward possible: exaltation. He touched every one he knew for good. He often stated how he didn't like being revered, but he also understood that people were in awe of his office, not himself. We do indeed, "thank thee oh god for a prophet," but we loved the man as well as the prophet because he wore the mantle of his office with a smile on his face. His humor was matchless and had he not been so busy being the president of the Church, he could have made quite a living as a stand-up comedian.

We all envy him, for he is one we know will be greeted by the savior on his arrival and we have no doubt that the lord will say, “Well done thou good and faithful servant, now enter into my rest.”

Till we meet again Gordon, you lucky dog you!

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